Thursday, June 2, 2011

From the couch in California - We're back!

I knew it had been a long time, but September...of last year? Ridiculous. I grabbed my camera, surely we must have something to share. A move to California, Rachelle 29 weeks pregnant, foothills outside our door, Finnegan, Estelle, Sebastian kickin' it West Coast Style...

I spent the first few months of the year traveling back and forth from MD to CA. One trip included the production of the new Delsey print campaign for 2011. We were scheduled to have a once in a lifetime experience - actually shooting on the SF tarmac. I was really looking forward to this. I mean, really. How many people get to spend a day shooting on the tarmac of an active airport?

Clearance took weeks making the anticipation all the better. The week before the shoot our photographer called to tell me his concerns about a bad weather system that was moving into the area.

"How bad," I ask?

"Bad," he says.

We move the shoot date, check hourly hoping for a change. But no luck. It rained for 10 days straight in San Francisco, and I was there for three of them. Honestly, I've been drier taking a shower for work - and it went on for 8 hours at a stretch. Fortunately, the photographer saw this whole mess coming and shot what we needed while on the scouting trip.

Here's a plug to our photographer and my new good friend Dan Escobar. Not only did he do an amazing job with the photography, but he braved the storm, saved the day, never went over budget and did it all without losing his cool once. You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

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