Saturday, March 6, 2010

Recipe for Melted Daddy Heart

Last night we watched Julie and Julia - a movie about a writer who spent a year cooking every recipe in Julia's book on Mastering French Cooking. Clearly the movie had an impact. So here is my recipe for Melted Daddy Heart. The best part is the lack of clean up required - well, most days. "Bon Appetit."

Cook time: 9 months, give or take. Prep time: about 5 months.

Step One: Have beautiful baby girl.
Step Two: Come across her while sleeping.
Step Three: Wait patiently.
Step Four: Enjoy

Best served with Hot Chocolate.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I was officially tasked with my first mommy mending project this week. Finn's lovey, Quinn, had a terrible case of a missing nose. Every day this week, Finn would ask, "Mommy, where is Quinn's nose?" So I finally sat down and sewed it back on (much better than it was sewn on in the first place I might add!)

As soon as the task was lovingly completed, I handed Finn his lovey. I waited for the smile to come across his face, for him to shout, "Thank you, Mommy!" or even just to give the once-again-whole Quinn a big hug...

Instead, he looked at Quinn, a little puzzled, and immediately tried to tear off his nose. Thankfully, he was not a threat to my master-sewing skills.

Spring is coming!!!

I LOVE snow. But I also love when the snow melts and find this underneath.

Dress Up

So I have this pretty hat box that lives under the chaise in our bedroom. The inside is filled with, let's call them, sleepwear novelties :) Now the top of this box is very fact, I had completely forgotten that it was even under there, until today. Finn discovered the box and was wearing this when I found him -- a feathered nightie over his clothes (I think a bachelorette gift from Kris?!), a thigh-high stocking on his head and another over his hands.

"Mommy! I'm a bat!"

Literary Genius

As many of you know, Bill is an AVID reader. At any one time, he can have 5 books going and be able to recite specifics from any of them. I have always admired him for this. I like to read, but can't remember the last time I actually had the patience to let myself get into a book. And usually, when I do, I forget what I've read before my eyes leave the page (which is why it takes me so freakin' long to get through a book!)

But what's even more amazing about Bill is the breadth of this literary interests...he'll be reading a John Adams biography one minute, a John Grisham novel the next and open a GQ magazine with Borat on the cover in between. So knowing this about him, I just had to laugh (and take a picture) when I walked into his bathroom the other night...Facing "his throne" was a very well-organized "library" which included: Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Homer's Odessey, HOG magazine, Plato, and a Clio Awards book.

Bill, my dearest love -- you are never dull.

Happy Baby

Estelle is such a happy baby! She smiles all the time (unless she's hungry) and has the BEST laugh. I'll try to get it on video soon. While she's been rolling for a while - now she's a bulldozer. Yesterday she rolled herself into the little pedestal table in our living room and knocked it over! I came in and found her pinned under the pedestal, unscathed and...smiling. She's scooting herself forward (not just backwards) AND can confidently lay on one side with only one arm supporting won't be too long and she'll be crawling all over the place...I'm not sure I'm ready for that!

Gifted from the start

She's not even 6 months yet and already doing puzzles - She's BRILLIANT!

My First...

Finn: "Mommy, I'm going poo poo..."
Me: "You are? RIGHT NOW?"
Finn: "Yes."
Me: Scoop him up, run as fast as I can up the stairs..."Wait Finn, don't go poo poo yet!" Unbutton the pants, rip off the diaper, put him on the potty...
Finn: "Me did it! Me did it!"